What's New at the School

New society for the AES
On 01.05.2018 the new society "Inclusion School Irbid e.V (FII e.V.)" was founded. The society serves the financial support. Chairman of this association is Dekan i. R. Dr. Winfried Dalferth.

Contact in Germany:
Foerderverein Inklusionsschule Irbid e.V.
Zum Roemerbrunnen 14
745613 Oehringen
E-Mail: FII-eV@gmx.de

Bank details:
Volksbank Hohenlohe e.G.
IBAN: DE96 6209 1800 0344 2820 07

School Partnership
Since the beginning of the 2013-14 school year, we have had a partnership with the Droste-Huelshoff School in Rottweil, Germany. The first letters from social workshop students at the German school have arrived for our 7th-9th Grade classes. We look forward to a long and interesting exchange!

Renovation of the library
In February 2014, we opened our long-awaited library. Starting in summer 2013, the library was under construction: being built, painted, and having new floor and furniture installed.
This new library will provide our students access to literature. There will be books for the visually impaired and the blind available. The students love the space that the library and the space has served us well.

Opening of the 9th Grade
In 2013-2014 school year we finally opened the 9th Grade class.  In the first 9th Grade there were 11 students, 3 of whom are blind. One of the blind students in this class was the first blind student to enroll in AES; she started with the school in 2003.

Renovations in 2012
An important goal at the Arab Episcopal School is the permanent improvement and refinement of the education and training of our students. So far, this desire has demanded more structural expansion of our school, which has included two recently concluded large and important projects. In these expansions we provide for the needs of not only our oldest students but we also care for the youngest.
At the beginning of 2012, we opened our Early Integration Center. The program began with seven children, three of whom are blind. The blind children do not attend every day of the week; the new environment is stressful for them at such a young age.
This year we also opened the third floor of the building, in order to have enough classroom space for all of our students in our constantly growing school. In addition to classrooms for the 7th, 8th, and 9th Grades three large classrooms, a science room, a music room, and a computer lab, were made. Now there is enough space for all classes from Kindergarten to 10th Grade.